If you would like to get notified when we open booking for 2022 just subscribe to our newsletter. Our own London to Brighton Classic car run commenced in 1988 and gives owners of vintage and classic cars the chance to take part in their own run on a usually warmer day in summer complete with a self guided scenic tour to Brighton which changes each year and attracts many regular participants.
In 2000 an additional run was launched to cater for modern sports cars, kit and replica vehicles, meaning that our London to Brighton runs are available to all motoring enthusiasts!
In 2000 an additional run was launched to cater for modern sports cars, kit and replica vehicles, meaning that our London to Brighton runs are available to all motoring enthusiasts!
This modern Spa hotel stand on part of the original Brooklands race circuit and is perfectly placed for entrants to the London to Brighton Run. We have arranged a special deal for participants booking directly with the hotel. Tel 01932 335710 quoting code BHS-GF2056 ASKING FOR COMPLIMENTARY UPGRADE TO A TRACK FACING DELUXE ROOM (subject to availability).
2. Entries will be accepted from owners of vehicles conforming to these regulations. An "Entrant" for the purpose of these Regulations, need not be a member of any motor club but must be the legal owner, or be appointed as the representative of, a museum, trust, collection or company having legal ownership of the vehicle.