Our comprehensive seed range includes agricultural and amenity mixtures, clover, organic, forage, game cover and agri-environmental seeds. We offer our grass mixtures through two ranges, Castle Mixtures and Saltire Mixtures, plus we have a wide range of forage crop seed. Supplying across Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland.
Castle Mixtures are our flagship seed range - the best you can get. Select from the range below or use our 'Which Seed' tool, above, to find the right mixture for you. Our Saltire mixtures are reliable in their performance as they have been especially developed to perform in the North of the UK.
Castle Mixtures are our flagship seed range - the best you can get. Select from the range below or use our 'Which Seed' tool, above, to find the right mixture for you. Our Saltire mixtures are reliable in their performance as they have been especially developed to perform in the North of the UK.
We at Watson Seeds are dedicated to supplying our customers with the best seeds available for whatever situation they require at realistic prices. We are an independent seed specialist business based in Scotland. We supply estates, farms and crofts across Scotland, England, Wales, Northern Ireland and Republic of Ireland either directly or through our network of appointed agents and distributors.
Seeing the benefit that good quality grass cultivars have offered, we are now rejuvenating land that isn't suitable for ploughing. The new grass within these swards will increase the feed value and allow us to utilise it within our rotation.' A full re-seed is not always possible due to factors such as stocking pressures or thin top soil not permitting deep cultivation.
Italian ryegrass generally grows productively for two years. It is relatively inexpensive and fulfils a number of roles. Short term mixtures for conservation. It has a long growing season and can be grazed early in spring and late in the autumn. It is often used as "catch crop" - under sown in spring cereals at 5kg/acre and grazed in the autumn.
We offer a range of mixtures to suit all agri-environmental schemes. These schemes have become more popular in the past few years and will continue to be a valuable source of income to the agricultural sector. We have listed below our most popular mixtures, however, we can produce mixtures to suit any scheme or specific requirements.
The new CAP Basic Payments Scheme and its Greening requirements are of course very topical. The scheme is a challenge to fully understand especially as it continues to evolve. There are opportunities to establish a number of crops as part of the EFA (Ecological Focus Area) requirements and to help simplify, we have detailed mixture options within the below table giving you to the most productive and viable mixture for sowing where appropriate.