Whether you're a lender or creditor seeking a recovery, or a director or sole trader with a major headache, you'll find us refreshingly different from the larger, impersonal and more expensive firms. For directors and individuals in trouble, we offer professional and pragmatic solutions in difficult circumstances.
There's also been a merchant bank (not Lehmans!) and over 300 LPA Receiverships to date, including the wreckage of a certain Boeing 747 in Kuwait and a helicopter landing platform in the Sea of Sumatra. Geographically, most of our work is in England & Wales although other locations include Australia, the United States, the Caribbean, Venezuela, Chile, France, Germany, Italy and Spain.
As professionals, we never forget we're only as good as our last job and we'll only suggest a solution which produces the best result in the circumstances for as many parties as possible. Turning around and trading a chain of nursing homes for four years to recover 3.4 million for the debenture holder against an estimated 1.7 million on Day One.
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