Pampered Pets
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Pampered Pets dog groomer training and professional dog grooming salon. The first choice for dog grooming or styling in Inverclyde and Renfrewshire, with many customers coming from as far away as Glasgow, Dumbarton and other parts of the west of Scotland. Most of our new customers are referred to us by delighted owners.

Our top groomers are advanced City and Guilds dog grooming diploma qualified with distinction. Whether you require dog grooming training to become a professional dog groomer yourself or want your dog professionally styled, Pampered Pets is the best choice for you. Call Malcolm, Liz or Keri, or use the contact us form on the left of the screen.
Dog grooming is an excellent career option, especially if you are a dog lover; in general people love their own dogs and will care enough to have them groomed even when money is scarce. It is an enjoyable job and once trained it is relatively easy to set up in business where ever you decide to live.
Pampered Pets Limited now offers Network Franchising to established groomers and new groomers once approved. This is an excellent opportunity to run your own business alongside a recognised and reputable brand name; use the contact us page to find out more or contact Malcolm on 01475 784400 or 07908688971 for more information.
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