0px!important;Why choose Pristine Build? We have so many reasons its difficult to list them all so we can show you previous clients houses and the work we have undertaken. Small firms offer limited services. You may have the number for an electrician, know a local plumber and have found what looks likely to be a reasonable builder on the internet.
Even if the people you have found can do a satisfactory job, you have no guarantee that they can work together, little control over the quality of their work, and it is guesswork whether you will end up with a decent finish for your project. There are terrible stories of building projects that are half finished or where customers do find that the work was not as described to them.
Even if the people you have found can do a satisfactory job, you have no guarantee that they can work together, little control over the quality of their work, and it is guesswork whether you will end up with a decent finish for your project. There are terrible stories of building projects that are half finished or where customers do find that the work was not as described to them.
We can carry out plumbing and electrical work both in an emergency and when you are ready to update or alter these vital utilities. We also offer a carpentry and joinery service and can provide specialist woodworking and repair. We can guarantee treatments and can provide technical advice on dealing with difficult areas and conditions.
0px!important;We have listed 10 reasons to choose Pristine Build but there are many more. For years customers have chosen Pristine for small and larger works all delivered perfectly. With a plethora of building firms to choose from it may seem like an impossible task to decide which is most suitable for your needs.
Buying a house, or indeed investing in a new build, is one of the biggest financial commitments that an individual can undertake in their lifetime. That is why, here at Pristine Builders, we understand the financial burdens that our clients have committed themselves to. It's also why we commit ourselves to providing the number one professional service to them when it comes to renovation or any new build project.
0px!important;Pristine offer a range of specialist works many other building companies will shy away from. Many builders say that they can do any job that home, or other property, requires but, in our experience, we have found that this is rarely the case. When it comes to jobs which require traditional skills, or more contemporary craft skills using new materials, many builders are simply not up to the job.
When it comes to your building jobs, whether big or small, Pristine can give you the peace of mind that you require to make sure that your work is conducted with the best possible skill and also with the guarantee of quality that you would expect.
There are various reasons why Pristine is the best builder for peace of mind, and we are happy to talk through your needs with you, but in this brief guide, we provide you with the most important factors in choosing Pristine.Pristine is part of the well known John Bromley Group which is a trusted builder in the area, and nationally.
There are various reasons why Pristine is the best builder for peace of mind, and we are happy to talk through your needs with you, but in this brief guide, we provide you with the most important factors in choosing Pristine.Pristine is part of the well known John Bromley Group which is a trusted builder in the area, and nationally.