Warm Hellos to YOU! Myself and the Team at White Chiropractic Centre in Ballymoney would like to warmly welcome you and invite you into our chiropractic world. In this web site you will begin to discover benefit after benefit of the hows and whys of Chiropractic. We have put together in what we think is one of the most comprehensive and informative web sites that is available to you.
So please enjoy the information and make sure you check out some of the links that we have provided for you as well. Our commitment is to you and your family's health and well being. By strategically placing and incorporating chiropractic into your lifestyle a great number of health benefits can be garnered.
So please enjoy the information and make sure you check out some of the links that we have provided for you as well. Our commitment is to you and your family's health and well being. By strategically placing and incorporating chiropractic into your lifestyle a great number of health benefits can be garnered.
Let us start with a brief introduction of the office here in Ballymoney. The practice is located at 51a Queen Street in the town of Ballymoney. Bally-"town of" and Money-"the bog" or at least that is what I have been told by one of the local historians of the region. There has been a strong chiropractic presence in Ballymoney for over 20 years in the same location.
I was a young man at Central Michigan University studying Biology and Chemistry when chiropractic found me. I say found me because I was studying to get into dental school at the time. However, circumstance had it different and I was first introduced to the practice and philosophy of chiropractic. And it made so much sense to me, in fact it was what the text books had been saying all along.
We use a number of highly-effective adjusting approaches to help improve spinal biomechanics and reduce nervous system interference. The approach we use is based on our clinical judgment and years of experience. Neurological Integration System (NIS) developed by Neurolink is a proprietary, ground-breaking approach to healthcare management.
If you've ever gone to a social event where you didn't know anyone, you know how uncomfortable that can make you feel. Our goal is to eliminate every shred of apprehension and make you feel at home. Since chiropractic care involves a series of visits, with each one building on the ones before, it's important that our relationship can go the distance.
As a new patient coming into our Ballymoney office you will be greeted by our wonderful staff. We will all take care of you and guide you through the initial phases of care. Many times we will begin this process on the phone to save time so that once you are in the office you will have more time with the Chiropractor, (Dr Scott.)
Reviews (1)
Kim Constable
Dec 25, 2013
Scott White is the most amazing chiropractor who works with the central nervous system, helping the body to heal itself. To date he has successfully helped my family to heal themselves of several different conditions including atrial fibrilation, insomnia, eczema, asthma, MS, over active thyroid and hay fever. If you are struggling with anything at all, mental or physical, chances are Scott can help you heal. Definitely worth a visit.