Examinair Ltd is a well-established Independent Medical Practice that specialises in Aviation and Transport industries. Examinair is owned and run by Dr Peter Brueggemann an AME (Aeromedical Examiner) appointed by the CAA (Civil Aviation Authority). Examinair Ltd offers a range of medical services to both individuals and businesses.
Our ethos is to provide a high quality and affordable service to all clients whether large or small. Services include: pilot, cabin crew and airside driving medicals, offshore medicals and PCV/LGV medicals. We also offer a broad range of additional medical services including: pre-employment and insurance medicals, hearing (Audiometry) and eye tests, respiratory function (Spirometry) for 'fit to work' examinations.
Our ethos is to provide a high quality and affordable service to all clients whether large or small. Services include: pilot, cabin crew and airside driving medicals, offshore medicals and PCV/LGV medicals. We also offer a broad range of additional medical services including: pre-employment and insurance medicals, hearing (Audiometry) and eye tests, respiratory function (Spirometry) for 'fit to work' examinations.
Dr Peter Brueggemann has 10 years experience as an AME and is an approved CAA Aviation Medical Examiner. From 17/09/2012, EASA (European Aviation Safety Agency) medical certificates will be issued in place of JAR certificates. Existing JAR medical certificates will act as EASA certificates until their expiry date.
Dr Brueggemann is authorised at The Klyne Business Aviation Centre to perform all classes of medicals as an aviation medical examiner (AME) to the CAA. Non UK EASA licence holders may undertake their examinations in the UK if they so wish. In each case the paperwork is sent to the respective SOLI and the medical certificate is still issued at the time of the examination.
The initial examination includes a thorough exploration of your medical history, full physical clinical examination, vision tests, hearing test, urine test and ECG. If corrective lenses are worn EASA still requires a copy of the vision prescription TO BE BROUGHT TO THE INITIAL MEDICAL.
An ECG is required at the first medical after 40 and not again until age 50 when the requirement is 2 yearly thereafter - unless clinically indicated (no longer annually over the age of 50).Those Class 2 pilots, particularly over 50 years, who value their annual ECG will be offered one at a reduced fee.
An ECG is required at the first medical after 40 and not again until age 50 when the requirement is 2 yearly thereafter - unless clinically indicated (no longer annually over the age of 50).Those Class 2 pilots, particularly over 50 years, who value their annual ECG will be offered one at a reduced fee.
See EASA quick guide. The initial consists of a clinical examination in addition to a medical declaration. This can be undertaken by an AME, or alternatively a GP in your own practice who has access to your medical records at the time and is happy to take responsibility for issuing an aviation medical certificate.
ATCO licensing and medical standards will change form EURO 3 to EASA in the foreseeable future. It is possible the requirement of 2 yearly glaucoma checks (Tonometry) age 40 and over will then cease once under the auspices of EASA. Comprehensive Eye Form ( by optometrist) is required 5 yearly where the refractive error of lens wearers is +5 to -6D and 2 yearly if exceeding -6D.
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